Lauren Wood

3/5 (2 Votes)

Comments about Lauren Wood

Comments (2)
Gyuri Oct 13, 2021

Use condoms. God doesn't preserve you from this kind of disease. And even if you are religious : Carpe Diem. God made you to live your life and believe in him, not to keep your virginity. Mariage and virginity are men's invention, not God's. Live your life, my friend. God will thank you because he can't be against love and this word does not only describe feelings. God's first orders for Adam and Eva were "grow and multiply", not "Stay virgin". Just be careful and use condoms. Good luck.

Matt S.
Matt S. Oct 13, 2021

I was raised religious and had vowed to save my virginity for marriage. I went away to college and in an attempt to fit in with the people in my dorm I had too much to drink one night freshman year. And that led me to having sex with a girl named Lauren. I felt bad about breaking my vow but I felt worse when I learned that she gave me chlamydia. True story. Anyway, this set is still hot despite not showing and bush.